A nasty theory made its way thru the town
It snowballed in size as it made its way ‘round
It was sticky sweet and a ghastly shade of brown
And people believed it with no facts to tie them down
A conspiracy is not what you may at first think
It starts like a microbe in the water you drink
But full propagation may cause ships to sink
Hurray for the framer—that rat bastard fink
The lies were spread across town like a rumor
From ignorant teen to rich baby boomer
The town had created a festering tumor
Creating misfortune for a lowly cat groomer
Her surname Magill, her first name was Nancy
She lived her life plainly, not flashy nor fancy
She adopted a cat and named the thing Clancy
Another five followed, which may have been chancy
She lived all alone with no children or mate
So along came two more: Rocky and Miss Kate
She spent all her money on the food that they ate
Her cats made her happy but now there were eight
Soon owning cats became known as “her thing”
Three more last winter and four this past spring
She named one cat Bono and another one Sting
She even had a kitten called Martin Cougar King
I tell you all this because sadness ensued
Her time was cut short in a manner most crude
The theorists were keen on her life to conclude
All masterminded by one fucked-up dude
His name I won’t mention so let’s call him Dan
He came from an evil-minded arrogant clan
Of females and felines he wasn't a fan
But rancor he thought was what made him a man
Dan spewed his hatred on his family and friends
He plastered hate speech on his Mercedes-Benz
He thought that his words were more mighty than pens
Whispered in backyards and kitchens and dens
His hatred of Nancy and her seventeen cats
Became an obsession and he made up fake stats
He printed foul tee shirts and ugly red hats
He lied to the press and bribed bureaucrats
He soon had a following that made him feel bold
So he paid off the sheriff and the law was enrolled
He spammed the town’s emails with the lies that he told
His conspiracy of hate had now increased tenfold
And what were these claims that the people believed?
How was the public so easily deceived?
I’ll tell you why this plot was successfully achieved:
Money and hatred and madness and greed
When Dan was a boy a cat was his pet
He loved his soft friend and saw it as no threat
But kitty clawed his face, his tears and blood wet
This accident changed him, he would never forget
That was when his sourness toward cats would begin
He declared they were all made of immoral sin
And owners of cats held that evil within
Even as a man, his skin was quite thin
Nancy was different, her love of cats was pure
She now had a houseful, all happy and secure
When Dan found this out it was too much to endure
He set out to ruin her life, of this I am sure
He worked late at night concocting a brew
Of misinformation and tales that weren’t true
He said cats could fly and they ate babies too
They’d pillage your house and infect you with flu
With falsehoods and lies he became quite obsessed
He wouldn’t take meals, he failed to get rest
He conspired with scoundrels with no warmth in their chest
Together their lies exponentially progressed
Nancy wasn’t immune to this verbal attack
Dan called her a witch with a beastly hunchback
He said she was vile with a heart that was black
She’d steal your pet poodle and drown it in a sack
Of course this was rubbish none of which made sense
She was decent and kind some said in her defense
But one misfit scumbag with a hatred intense
Believed all Dan’s lies and went over the fence
He stalked our poor Nancy and invaded her house
He called her a hag with no child and no spouse
He scratched at her face and tore at her blouse
Then ran thru her home, gasoline he did dowse
The flames were the stuff from a hellish nightmare
The cats tried to flee, Nancy tripped on a stair
With a blow to the head he made sure she was there
When the house tumbled down and she hadn’t a prayer
The maggot escaped not a scratch on his skin
The arson unsolved as well as the break-in
And he never was charged with the most mortal sin
A loss for what’s good and Evil scored a win
Now you may say Why and How can this be
That one petty mind can cause such misery
Can’t a person just prevail without injury
And live their own life free of acrimony
I wish I could tell you that the people who conspired
Went home to their beds and were sickened and tired
They wanted to change but their minds were short-wired
And Dan that damn monster was still.. being.. admired
This tale isn’t true but it might be one day
If people don’t think for themselves then it may
And a victim like Nancy will surely fall prey
To a creep with a grudge and a mind full of clay
* * *
The problem is not that there’s evil in the world.
The problem is that people refuse to recognize it.
– anonymous